Winner of REMET Art Prize 2024

Date posted: 12th June 2024

REMET UK working with Kingston School of Art and AB Foundry are pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 REMET Art Prize.

The competition was open to students at Kingston School of Art to create a sculpture using the investment casting method. More than 50 entries were received from across the School from which 7 finalists were selected. These finalists were then given the opportunity to bring their ideas to life in bronze, the final pieces were displayed at a final show at the Dorich House Museum, where a panel of judges selected a winner. The finalists were:

“The Pazyryk Carpet” by Tania Pourashraf

The Pazyryk carpet, the oldest rug ever discovered, was woven in ancient Persia (now Iran) during the Bronze era.

It is believed to have been made to protect its owner from misfortune.

I created this piece to honor, protect, and represent the struggling Persian people under the Islamic Regime.

Made of bronze, it reflects the era and symbolizes the enduring resilience of Iranians.

Despite washed-away parts, intentional holes convey the aggression of the morality police’s battle against Iran’s arts and culture, breaking down the creative nature of its people.

This piece aims to inspire hope and defiance, reminding us to preserve and celebrate Iranian artistic traditions.


“Ya Can’t Put Your Dick in That” by Jasmine Sproule

The work is a bronze cast of a crocheted condom with Primark hoop earrings.

The work is a pointless object mimicking another pointless object.

The contrast of the two metals plays on the themes of cost, class and labour; having the expensive time and energy consuming process of bronze casting riddled with an item of cheap fast fashion.

Overall, the objects hold a sexually suggestive ambiguity, inspired by the phrase “the bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe”.

“The Prized Piece” by Oliver Kettles

For my sculpture, I have turned the prize into the product and created a token of the winning money through the exaggerated iconography of the British pound coin.

Whilst tapping into bronze’s history of use in coinage, this representation of money also stimulates themes such as ‘weight’ of currency, and making something which is desirable, untouchable, as the piece becomes an inverted contradiction.


“Iliac” by Zoë Coleman

I have used digital modelling to reference skeletal anatomy, considering the synthetic and organic in a fluid form.

I an interested in the spinal root / pelvis as a center of creational and emotional energy within our bodies.

The sculpture design is a collaboration between nature, myself and technology as I used preprogramed software and the mechanical construction of the 3D printer.

Combining this very contemporary technique with the ancient craft of lost-wax casting facilitates conversation between these defining materials of human history; plastic and bronze.


“Self Discovery” by George Stokes

Inspired by fossil excavation toy kits, this interactive sculpture invites you to use the tools to break open the plaster and discover a miniature version of me, the artist.

“£9.65” by Oliver Page

With this work I have taken an object that is purely function based, which is my EpiPen and removed its life saving capabilities, creating an object that now revolves around its aesthetics and tactile nature.

Each mark upon its surface holds a weight, from its journey with me, carries along every moment of it.

“The Urgency of Pooping” by Youngeun Shin

This piece reflects the artist’s attitude of exploring and discovering art by combining materials around me (toy dog, pot, legs) to express myself through experiencing different things.

Crawling to find toilet paper to use in the bathroom is analogous to my own artistic process, as I experience different aspects of society and the world and search for something essential, like toilet paper, to create my art.

The final show was attended with all the finalists and their friends along to see the exhibition. After each of the judges had looked at all the works they retired to decide upon a winner.

After a long deliberation joint winners were announced; “Ya Can’t Put Your Dick in That” by Jasmine Sproule and “The Urgency of Pooping” by Youngeun Shin. We would like to thank our panel of  judges Bob Brown, Jerry Hughes, and Ahlam Ahmadi.

“The Urgency of Pooping”
Youngeun Shin

Jasmine Sproule with her winning piece “Ya Can’t Put Your Dick in That”


The Dorich House exhibition is open to the public throughout June.

REMET UK would like also to thank:

Kingston School of Art

AB Foundry

Dorich House Museum

Special thanks to: Andrea Stokes, Guillermo Rodrigues Lopez, & Mark Harris (Kingston University) and Glenyss Lipscombe, & Fiona Fisher (Dorich House Museum). All of whom have made this competition possible.

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